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Celebrating Veteran’s Day With Special Offers & Veteran Discounts!
Greetings, travelers and valued clients! As a trusted timeshare resale broker, we are excited to announce our exclusive Veteran’s Day special. We honor the brave men and women who have served our country with great courage and valor, and to…
Marriott Vacation Club Timeshares in Florida
Florida has become one of the most popular tourist destinations, and Marriott’s Vacation Club offers some of the best florida properties available on the timeshare resale market. In this article, we’ll be covering the many different Marriott timeshares in Florida,…
How Marriott Destinations Club Works (Video)
Narrated by: David Van Norman – Marketing, Licensed Real Estate Sales Agent David has over 5 years of experience in the timeshare resale industry. He was originally hired on for a timeshare sales position, but his innate passion for technology and…